Haircut 100 – Salford University 12th March 1982

After we’d spent the afternoon setting up and in the lull between the soundcheck and the show had headed off to a local pub for a beer. While we were in there the landlord asked us if we had anything to do with the event and we said yes. Turns out his son is a big fan, if he gave us the money would we get him a program?

Well my friend, Robin Staines, was social sec so he said no problem and heads off back to the hall, not only does he get a program he goes back stage and gets the band to sign it. He brings it back to the pub, gives it to the landlord and we all get free drinks.

Then he hits on a plan – we take the kid to the gig – how many beers would that get us!! So he offers and the offer is accepted so we take the lad back to the venue. As soon as we get there he f*cks off and leaves the rest of us with a ten year old. We even ended up having to take him back afterwards – and did we get any more beer – did we bollocks!!

Setlist was probably something like:

Ski Club
Baked Bean
Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl)
Calling Captain Autumn
Milk Film
Snow Girl
Lemon Firebrigade
Coming Home
Fantastic Day
Love Plus One
Kingsize (You’re My Little Steam Whistle)
I Believe In Sunday

Haley’s Heart


2 Replies to “Haircut 100 – Salford University 12th March 1982”

  1. Hi Kevin, I’m a Project Assistant at the University of Salford where I am currently researching the musical history of Maxwell Hall. I’ve just come across this post and would love to discuss further, please get in touch via if interested, thanks!

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